2013년 5월 22일 수요일

Baking Without Oven

Nowadays, there are houses that equipped with ovens, but the buildings that built 10 years ago, don’t have ovens. It is because of Korean staple diet-Koreans usually have rice for their meals, not bread. If they want to have bread, they go to bakery, so oven wasn’t necessary to Koreans. However, appear of people who enjoy baking made the situation changed. Need of oven rose. Thus, buildings newly built usually have ovens basically.

Sadly, I don’t have oven in my house, even a mini oven for toasts! I am a person who prefers to eat bread than rice and enjoys baking, so it is very hard environment for me when I want to bake something. Plus, recently my sister brings fresh bread from her baking class. Whenever I taste those delicious cookies and cakes, I crave for baking cookies and wish I could have an oven.

Fortunately for those people who want to bake without oven, there are books introducing “No oven baking”. Though I can’t bake roll cakes, there are plenty of deserts, which are able to bake with frying pans, rice cookers, and refrigerators.

When I discovered “No oven baking” books and internet sites, I baked almost every day. In fact, I ‘conquered’ every recipe. I baked various flavored and shaped cookies, chocolate scones, and brownie with frying pans, mocha cake with rice cookers, rare cheese cake, pudding, and sweet jelly of autumn squash (autumn squash Yang-gang) with refrigerator.

After I tried every recipe in which I interested, I felt bored. Of course, even though there were various sorts of deserts, the kinds of bread are limited when it comes to “no oven baking”. I can’t bake roll cakes, chiffon cakes or other kinds of bread…or even a loaf of plain bread or bagel without oven. Though it is fun to bake cookies with frying pan, it takes long time and effort, because I should bake them with very low temperature and flip them very frequently. I wish I have a nice oven.

댓글 1개:

  1. Have you considered buying a toaster oven? This would be a smaller, cheaper alternative to a real oven. It might even be possible to make bagels using a small toaster oven, though I'm not really sure. Perhaps you could make bagels by deep frying them in oil?
