2013년 5월 14일 화요일

7 Days of Dad and Daughter

Usually I don't watch soap operas that much, but I would like to recommend you one, which I recently watched. It is a Japanese soap opera that is called 7 Days of Dad and Daughter(パパとムスメの7日間)

It has a common material that a man and a woman's souls switch into each other's body accidently (Actually, there is a Korean soap drama has the material, also. It is very common and fantasy-like material.). There are tons of similar concepted works that make you feel like it is a sort of cliche and in many films or sitcoms, souls of young woman and man switched and they falling in love eventually, but not this one.
A girl and her father's souls switch! Just imagine that a 40 or 50 year-old-man is acting and speaking like a teenage girl! Actually, I began to watch this soap opera because of that, expecting it would be very funny and considering it as a time killer, and "it is" entertaining.

I can't tell the whole plot, because I afraid of it could be a spoiler, but it is a story about a generation gap and lack of communication between parents (especially with dad, in this film) and process of understanding each other by putting themselves in each other's shoes-literally- in humorous and through dramatic episodes. Plus, there are unbelievably close discribtion of difficulties being salery man and high school girl, as if the author (this film's concept and plot is based on a Japanese novel) became both salery man and a high schooler.

 Because it is a Japanese soap opera, as I mentioned, it is very touching and will give you a lesson (Japanese soap operas like to give lessons, somehow) about family's relationship and its importance. Plus, I recommend you also because it has only seven episodes, because their souls remains to be switched only 7 days and each episode is for 1 day, and it means this soap opera is not lengthy like others, like The Big Bang Theory.

댓글 2개:

  1. This sounds like an interesting concept, similar in a way to the movie Big, starring Tom Hanks.

    Were you able to understand the show in Japanese, or did you watch it with Korean subtitles?

    1. Thank you for introducing similar movie, actually, it was a movie that I wanted to watch, but I couldn't find the title of it! Oh, and I watched the Japanese soap opera with Korean subtitles.
