2013년 4월 2일 화요일

memorial service and gangjeong

   Last Saturday, my family and relatives gathered to have memorial service. If I remember correct, this ritual takes place once in 6 months and because of this, we should prepare food like fruit, Korean vegetable pancake(jeon, in Korean.), and gangjeong, which is a snack I am currently into.

 (image of gangjeon. Its source is : http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?cid=200000000&docId=1086396&mobile&categoryId=200000399)

   Gangjeong is not a type of gang, of course, it is a kind of traditional crunchy snack of Korea. It is made up of starch syrup and fried sesame or seeds so it tastes sweet and aromatic. It is usually rectangle-shaped(some of it is round-shaped), colorful, and sticky. Plus, I can taste it only in traditional holiday, because most of stores do not sell it in common days.
   I felt regretful about this fact and thought that if supermarkets sold gangjeong commonly, I would buy it almost every day. However, it seems like it wouldn't be come true soon, so I tried searching the word "gangjeong" because of this regretful feeling. After I looked through the result of searching, I found a blog posting, which was saying 'how to make gangjeong'. I clicked it and read through the recipe. I was little bit surprised because it was easier than I expected. It looked like I could make it so easily and simply if I wanted to. Since its calories are quite high(I saw the information about calories under the recipe. How wicked!), I thought that I couldn't make it so often, but I was glad to have recipe. It means that I could have gangjeong if I have enough ingredients at any time. In addition, it is profane and immature to 'look forward to' memorial service to have gangjeong!

댓글 1개:

  1. I like your last sentence -- very true!

    Although I've lived in Korea for a long time now, I don't think I've ever had a chance to try gangjeong. I'll look for it from now on though (perhaps it is sold in Gwangjang Market?).
